Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Away

This past weekend (yes, I am a little slow on posting this, sorry!) I went to the Kampala Unit Retreat. Sounds so formal and big but, really it was just a time for all the missionaries (full-term and short-term) to come together and have a weekend of refreshment! Trust me, we all needed it!

My Little Bungalow for the Retreat

The Kampala Unit is made up of many ladies and three families. One of the families was still on home assignment so I did not get to meet the, someday soon I hope. Some of the unite is new, just like me. Fresh off the plane! No joke. We had a lady join us that just flew in.

As most retreats go there was time for lessons, prayer, games, and of course FREE TIME! The three days were so enjoyable. For me it was a great time to get to know people and see what God is doing in the unit, big picture! It was also a time for me to learn more about why God has called me out here. I am sure you are all thinking "she moved out there to show the love of God to people in Africa." Yes, I did but let me explain.

AIM has missionaries all over Africa. They have MANY missionaries all over Africa. People that pour their lives out for the Africa people. Give of their time, food, money, emotional support, physical support, and so much more. 24/7 the door is open and they are loving on people. But, who is loving on them? Really I know people back home are sending care-packages and cares. Supporters send in their money monthly. But honestly, who is loving on these people each day form where they are?

Something moved in my spirit once I saw the need; just like it did when I learned of the need in Africa. But there was something different about this move. Something I really could relate with. Something I knew I was being asked to do. Something like LOVE on and minister to the missionaries who are around me. Crazy idea.....right?

No, not crazy! It is a Jesus thing. As he went from town to town, city to city people cared for him. His own disciples cared for him. As he healed people were there making sure he had food and a place to stay. It might not have been big and fancy but never the less his human needs were meet.

That is something God is calling me to do. Meet the human needs of the lovely missionaries around me. If you know me, you know I love to give gifts, write notes, sit and chat over tea and or coffee, and be with people. So while at the retreat it was clear God has called me to Uganda to help get more people out here working in the Central Region AND to love and encourage my missionary family working along side of me.

Maybe while you were reading this your heart felt moved. I want to encourage you to LOVE on those around you. It is not as hard as you think. Make a batch of cookies and pass it on. Ask someone if they would like a coffee too, as you get a Starbucks for yourself. Really just think of what you would enjoy someone doing for you....and do it for someone else.

"Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."

If you would like to help with the LOVING (loving on a missionary ministry) please contact me. I would love to get some support and ideas as I get started. Just add a comment below telling me you would like more info!

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