Sunday, September 25, 2011

Things I Have Learned

For almost a month now I have been living in Africa. Thinking of living in Africa and living in Africa are two different thing. Here are some things I have learned while adjusting to live on this diverse continent.

(1-10 I have learned while at ABO and at my Ugandan Home-Stay)

1. Lose your watch! (time is spent on BEING out here and not doing)

2. Dirt is everywhere….and always on you.

3. Learned a few words of Luganda while making roses made out of icing. (my home-stay was at a home of a family that has a cake making business)

4. Things are different out here. VERY different.

5. People here always smile (even while walking down the street)

6. With a little paint and love ANY place can look like home.

7. No matter how prepared you are you are never really prepared to move overseas.

8. God brings friends just at the right time.

9. Everyday I do or say something wrong….and laugh at myself.

10. Grace has a whole new meaning!!!!

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