Sunday, December 16, 2012

Prayer Needs:

-God has lead a Short-Term missionary to help teach MKs in Chad! 
-Had a great 19 days with my mom and aunt
-Confirming 3 new Short-Term missionaries
-A great Sabbath at the pool with a few friends  

Ministry Prayer Needs:
-For the new Short-Term missionaries coming in Jan 2013
-Wisdom in how to get things done before I head to the States in Feb 2013 (for a 3 month home assignment)
-God's love and peace to be with every Short-Term missionary on the field this Christmas

Personal Prayer Needs:
-A passion to work harder on language
-Good time with friends here before Home Assignment 
-For a peaceful and joyful Christmas (my second one away from family)
-My car is acting up after getting it fixed a few weeks ago (pray it is not a big and $$$)
-Wisdom in planing my time in in the States (many people to see, much to talk about, only 3 months to do it all)
-For the chance to spend time with a Christan counselor and have a good time of debrief of the last 2 years on the field

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