Sunday, December 30, 2012

Maybe I should turn....

Yesterday our office manager, Janice, and I headed into town. Just a few things on our "to do" list but we were keen on getting them done.

Janice came over at 8:30am. We enjoyed some cinnamon rolls and coffee before we tackled the craziness of Kampala. It was raining so I ended up driving so we could stay dry. After a small jam, what we call traffic, we got a main intersection. I made sure I was in the lane going through the intersection. Side-note: normally at this intersection I turn right to go to my favorite shopping center so I have to remind myself when I am not going there so auto pilot doesn't kick in.

The light was red so I waited with all the other cars. When it turn green I almost had a heart attack! All three lanes, yes including mine, turned right! What was I to do?! Really, I did not want to turn right. The whole point of being in the lane I was in was so I did NOT turn right. With all three lanes moving together I had no choice but to turn right. Janice and I both were in shock while laughing our heads off!

For 11 months I have been driving here in Uganda. Every time I get in the car I pray, out loud, and hold on! It is always a wild ride. Never know what will happen and yesterday just reminded me of that!

Thanks Lord for the safety on the road for the last 11 months. It is never easy to forget how different life is out here, but will you always get me where I am going?! -Amen

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