Sunday, January 22, 2012


Missionaries come in all shapes and sizes. They all do different jobs. Some are in the bush working on church planting, Biblical translation, and more. Some are in the cities working with children, teaching about AIDS, teaching in local schools, and so on. Others missionaries are more in the background. They work with other missionaries, supporting them, and helping more missionaries (of all shapes and sizes) come out to the field.

I am the later of the missionary shapes. I work with long-term missionaries on getting help for their ministries through short-term missionaries. STermers come with AIM to many African countries; I help with 6 of them. This is the role I came to fill. Once I got here God showed me how to do my assignment. An assignment I thought was my main purpose but later God lead me to something else.

Yes, I am still coordinating the STer for the region but He has shown me how important it is to encourage and support the missionaries around me. Not just by getting STers to come help. God has given me a passion for encouraging missionaries around me with little things. We all love to get mail, have coffee and chat, go to movie nights, and so much more. Fellowship is so important.

Fellowship out here is not like back at home nor do we all have time for it like we did, back home. So that is where the passion for other missionaries comes in. My home is open to everyone. Movie nights, sleep overs (for the MKs), dinners, craft days, girl nights, game nights, coffee meetings, prayer days, so on.

Please join me in prayer for all the missionaries in Uganda and all over the world. Daily they try meet the needs of people in their communities, show the love of Christ, teach the Word, and give up the “comforts” of home in obedience to the King.

Please pray for me. I am asking the Lord how to bless and encourage these dear friends for mine. The ministries they are in are hard. They take toll on them and I see it. Many see illness, death, corruption, poverty, and hell on earth daily. God has brought me here to love on our Ugandan friends as well as my missionary friends. Please ask God to give me wisdom on lifting up these missionary brothers and sisters.

Boda Boda Ride

Do you know what a boda boda is? Well, I am getting use to them out here. They are motorcycles taxis. You can get one anywhere in city, around the city, and in most villages. Here is a clip I took on the back of a boda heading home from the office. Hope it helps you see what my daily life is like. Happy watching.

Crafty Becasue I Have Too...

Africa can be hotmost of you are thinking it is always hot. Not true. There are many comfortable days here in Kampala. The best description I have of Uganda is...Hawaii. Both are green and lush. Great fresh fruits all year long. Rain that comes and goes. The only thing that is different is Uganda is land-locked!

Some days are hot and Lack Victoria is close by it can be humid some days (some days not all). One thing I have learned is that body dusting powder is helpful.. Not the kind Grandma used. This is homemade and smells sweet!

Here is the recipe I use to make it. It is easy, smells great, and works amazing!

Dusting powder:

1 cup of rice flour (soy flour will work just a well)

½ cup of baking soda

½ cup of cornstarch

1 cotton ball

few drops of your fav essential oil (I use vanilla)

Sift all powders together into an airtight container. After all the powers are sifted together add some oil drops to the cotton ball. Place the ball with oil on it into the powder and keep closed for 24 hours. After the 24 hours shake the container and let sit for another 24 hours. After 48 hours use and enjoy!