Friday, October 19, 2012

For the LOVE of the doughnuts!!!

"For the LOVE of doughnuts!" This is a saying I often say. Well, today I am yelling it (in my head not out loud.....I am not alone in my house to do so.)!

Can't hide the feelings. There is no way to sugar coat the truth. Today I feel like I want to go "home," where ever that might be.

Our God is so big....but right now I am feeling like things are falling apart. He is a god of details, never forgetting to dot an i or cross a t. The role I work in, here on the field, is one of planing. If you know me at all......that is right up my allies! I love details. But today, everything feels like it is in pieces on the floor. And for now I am more than ok with that. (Ask I type this I can hear my sweet grandmother say, "That is how the cookie crumbles!" How true that statement is today!)

Really. I will not but on a fake smile and try to pick all up all the pieces. It is hard to believe it right now, but I know it is true, in His timing all of it will all work out. Not only will it work out but it will be His will and not my messed up one! For now I just pray I am able to love like He is asking me to and in all things give Him the glory that is due.
Not going to lie.....a box of these would be AH-mazing right now!

"For the LOVE of doughnuts God, I do not know what to do! You are the One with the best plan so show me what it is. God, until it is all made clear will you help me be still and know you are God? Would you please hold me in your arms and love on me, for today I feel I need it. You are good....I ask for you to show me each and every day something that helps me see just how GOOD you are. Too often my eyes fall away from you. If needed super glue them on you! Thanks for loving me, yes the broken, lost and tired me. -Amen"

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