Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where the Lord Leads...

What a week! Candidate Week is over…just as fast as it started. The week was great, full of sessions, workshops, meetings, and making new friends. Being surrounded by like-minded people was a great blessing. All believers have a bond with one another but there is a one-of-a-kind bond with missionaries. All of us are looking at going onto the field, have a calling over our lives that pushed us, and a love of the unexpected. This bond is unlike anything I have ever been apart of.
With how the week ended I can say I am fully appointed under Africa Inland Mission. (If you could see me you would see a smile from ear to ear and a heart that is OVERJOYED!) Yes there were moments of fear and unrest about how it would all end but…God knew. He knew that there was a need for a Short-Term Coordinator in the Central Region. He knew that a KEY person in the Central Region Office would be stopping by the US Office for one day this week. He already knew a time to sit and chat with that person was going to happen. He knew my heart was being pulled to an area that needs workers and that 5 unites (families, couples, and singles) from Candidate Week would be heading to! Lastly He knew I was going to appointed with AIM!
All in all it was an amazing week. One I will never forget. One that also leads me to Kampala, Uganda! I am so excited to work as the Short-Term Coordinator for The Central Region. The job is one that places me in a city working along side other AIM administers. The whole point of my job is to help the region get short-term people on the field. The region covers 6 Central African Countries encompassing: Uganda, Rwanda, Chad, South Sudan, ARC, and DRC. All the areas are working at bringing Christ-centered Churches among all African Peoples.

1 comment:

ElizabethMarie said...

So exciting! What an adventure... grace and peace over all your preparations! Elizabeth